...Well "almost done". I had a final in Advanced Reservoir Engineering on Thursday, Well Completions on Friday and a paper due tomorrow. The teacher told us to keep our papers to less than 20 pages. Well, mine is 12 pages. 12 is less than 20, right? So I should be good to go.
This semester has been interesting. About 5 weeks into the semester and realized that my desire for going back to school had tumbled hard into no-man's land. At that point, however, I was too far into the semester to get any refund amount. Really my only choice was to keep on, keepin on. I cannot express how hard it is to keep doing something, when you don't want it anymore.
About 3 years ago I had decided that I wanted to go back to school, but knew that I couldn't afford wonderfully, overpriced TU. Then, 2 years ago when I started work with my current employer- I decided the time was right to go back to school. My employer has an educational reimbursement plan, and they cover 100% of the cost of tuition and books. The first 2 semesters back at school were great. I felt as though I was learning a wealth of knowledge and suffered only normal stress. By normal stress I mean: midterm and finals stress. The homework assignments weren't too bad and I always seemed fairy prepared for the quizzes.
Then....out of no where, Fall Semester 2008 hit me like I had run into a brick wall. I couldn't figure out why it was so tough this time around. I had spent alot of time in prayer about my initial decision to go back to school and I was wondering why God would let me be so down about school. I really felt in my heart that I was doing what He wanted me to do. This point of confusion led me to spend SOOO much time in prayer and quiet listening.
Here's what I've come up with (God assisting, of course): I need to slow down. Therefore, I am only taking one class next semester. Life goes by too quickly to not spend it doing the things you love. I love spending time with my husband, and I've been neglecting this passion the past few months. I also realize that I CAN DO THIS, but I can't do it at the same pace as before. Grad class are getting tougher. With working full time, I can't expect myself carry 6 hours of school as well. The last thing I've come to realize is that I DON'T HAVE TO BE PERFECT. Even though the kitchen may not always be as clean as I want it, or my performance at work is only 99% and not 105%- I'm still ok! No one else expects better than perfection out of my, so why should I expect it out of myself? Most of all, God does not require perfect from us- certainly I shouldn't set my sights higher than our Creators.
Well, that rounds out my thoughts tonight. I'm sure alot of things are misspelled and my grammar is probably not the best...but sometimes it just feels good to get thoughts from my head onto the blog.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
my handsome little nephew
Friday, November 28, 2008
I don't even want to know how many lbs I've gained this glorious holiday weekend. Oh well, I guess I'll just do 45 minutes of cardio each day this coming week. That should help a little. Plus, school will be getting ultra-crazy over the next 2 weeks. That means no sleep, not much food and alot of energy drinks. This usually results in a weight loss, although I'm not completely convinced it's a healthy method. KIDS- please don't try this at home.
Well, I'm headed to bed early tonight. I am one of those crazy black friday shoppers and I've now been up and at em for 19 hours and counting. We shopped for about 7 of those hours. And spent an hour eating. I feel pretty successful at this point. The only person we don't have a present for is Chris' grandma and brother. I also need to pick up a few little items to go along with gifts- but I had most items crossed off my list by the end of today! I also picked up some LED exterior christmas lights. They were on sale and then I got an addition 20% off (my cousin has a relative who worked at the store). Now- Chris and I just have to find the time to install a new outdoor electrical outlet in the soffet and hang the lights! I'm sure I'll post a pic when it's all finished.
Well, I'm headed to bed early tonight. I am one of those crazy black friday shoppers and I've now been up and at em for 19 hours and counting. We shopped for about 7 of those hours. And spent an hour eating. I feel pretty successful at this point. The only person we don't have a present for is Chris' grandma and brother. I also need to pick up a few little items to go along with gifts- but I had most items crossed off my list by the end of today! I also picked up some LED exterior christmas lights. They were on sale and then I got an addition 20% off (my cousin has a relative who worked at the store). Now- Chris and I just have to find the time to install a new outdoor electrical outlet in the soffet and hang the lights! I'm sure I'll post a pic when it's all finished.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
So Chris and I spent last weekend in Oklahoma city and saw Coldplay on Sunday night. It was great! I ran into some work people at the concert who were dressed all cute, I was dressed like a bum. I saw no need for heels, I opted for tennis shoes. Our seats were on the floor and I knew we'd be standing the whole time. Crazy thing is, I think the whole place was on their feet for the majority of the show. I was also sick all weekend which was a bummer. Sunday I took two naps, which is completely NOT me. But it was a nice weekend, my wonderful husband took great care of me, and we finally had a chance to relax.
Here's a pic from the show.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
It is...
I am...
You are...
probably in bed.
But I thought...
that I should post.
Happy "7minutes until Thursday". Tia and gang- hope you guys have fun on your Dallas trip. Do some shopping for me too!
I'll just be singing "Lovers in Japan" until I go to see coldplay on Sunday :)
I am...
You are...
probably in bed.
But I thought...
that I should post.
Happy "7minutes until Thursday". Tia and gang- hope you guys have fun on your Dallas trip. Do some shopping for me too!
I'll just be singing "Lovers in Japan" until I go to see coldplay on Sunday :)
Friday, November 7, 2008
4's...i'm sure you've seen it in an email....
but i'm bored, so here goes nuttin....
4 Jobs I've Had
4 Movies (or DVD's) I Would Watch Over and Over
4 Places I've Lived
1. Tulsa
2. Greencastle, IN
3. Bristow, VA
4. Talala, OK
4 Shows I Watch
1. The Office
2. Scrubs
3. America's Next Top Model
4. King of Queens
4 Places I've Been
1. DC
2. Napes & Rome, Italy
3. all over Ireland
4. Granby, CO
4 People Who Email Me Regularly
1. Mom
2. Hubby
3. People at work
4. Sister
4 Favorite Things To Eat
1. Mashed Potatoes
2. Taco Bueno
3. Cinnamon Life
4. Arby's
4 Places I'd Rather Be
1. On a Tempurpedic Bed
2. With all my family
3. Collecting lottery money :)
4. At work...hah, yeah right.
4 Things I'm Looking Forward To This Year
1. Black Friday shopping
2. The semester being over
3. Maybe a new vehicle?
4. The semester being over...did I mention that already?
4 Jobs I've Had
4 Movies (or DVD's) I Would Watch Over and Over
4 Places I've Lived
1. Tulsa
2. Greencastle, IN
3. Bristow, VA
4. Talala, OK
4 Shows I Watch
1. The Office
2. Scrubs
3. America's Next Top Model
4. King of Queens
4 Places I've Been
1. DC
2. Napes & Rome, Italy
3. all over Ireland
4. Granby, CO
4 People Who Email Me Regularly
1. Mom
2. Hubby
3. People at work
4. Sister
4 Favorite Things To Eat
1. Mashed Potatoes
2. Taco Bueno
3. Cinnamon Life
4. Arby's
4 Places I'd Rather Be
1. On a Tempurpedic Bed
2. With all my family
3. Collecting lottery money :)
4. At work...hah, yeah right.
4 Things I'm Looking Forward To This Year
1. Black Friday shopping
2. The semester being over
3. Maybe a new vehicle?
4. The semester being over...did I mention that already?
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Sunny Fayettevile
Just a quick blog tonight, I'm tired but very excited about gaining an hour of sleep tonight. Chris and I went to Fayetteville today for the TU-Arkansas game. It was a great game, and of course it doesn't hurt that we came out with a win. Notice I say "we", that would be Arkansas. Yes- even though I'm currently going to school @ TU, I elect to cheer for the Hogs. I call the Hogs. Anyway, here's a picture of us outside of the stadium. I'm not certain how well you can see the trees in this pic, but the leaves were gorgeous. 
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Gilcrease, Woodward and Tucci's
So tonight Chris and I celebrated anniversary #2! We started the afternoon off by going to the Gilcrease museum to see the Ansel Adams display, it was great. We then headed to Woodward Park to see the great roses and take some self portraits. We end the evening by having dinner at Tucci's. They've got great artichoke dip and lemonata salads!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Anniversary #2
So today Chris and I celebrated 2 ggggreat, ggggreat years. The only thing wrong with today is that I am here and Chris is not. He's in Austin, Tx for a class for work. I don't have a pic from this years anniversary (since we haven't celebrated yet) but I thought I would post some pics from the past. I think my hair is a different length in each pic :)


Friday, October 17, 2008
Girls Weekend
So this weekend I'm up at my parents for the annual Girls' Weekend. Every year, the females in my family get together in the fall. We shop, eat, drink wine, go on walks, and talk together. It's my mom, aunt, cousins on one side and a cousin on another side. So we're on day one of girls weekend. Some arrived on Thursday and some of us got here today. I arrived today around 3:30. I'm not really sure what everyone did earlier in the day, but I guranteed you some eating went down. That's the one downfall of GW (girl's weekend). When I come back Sunday evening, I'll probably weight about 4 lbs more than I do at this very moment.
So far for GW we have: had mexican for dinner, gone on a walk, told numerous funny stories in one evening and now we're watching The Ring. Well, I'm not really watching- I'm blogging instead. But I think I'll watch the movie and see if I can be LESS frightened than the last time I watched this movie.
So far for GW we have: had mexican for dinner, gone on a walk, told numerous funny stories in one evening and now we're watching The Ring. Well, I'm not really watching- I'm blogging instead. But I think I'll watch the movie and see if I can be LESS frightened than the last time I watched this movie.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Progress, Results and Motivation
When you've reached a point where you realize progress and results don't cultivate motivation, then what's going on?
I'm watching Biggest Loser: Families and I think it's great how much weight everyone is losing. I love this show. It always seems to get me out of my workout slumps.
My other fall shows: My Name is Earl, The Office, Jon & Kate, Arrested Development (they've start the re-runs again on the channel G4)
I'm watching Biggest Loser: Families and I think it's great how much weight everyone is losing. I love this show. It always seems to get me out of my workout slumps.
My other fall shows: My Name is Earl, The Office, Jon & Kate, Arrested Development (they've start the re-runs again on the channel G4)
Monday, October 13, 2008
Midterms and Monster
Midterms and Lo Carb Monster
they sure go hand in hand
Staying up till 2 o clock
Coldplay is so grand
Rocking out the laptop
So sleepy I can't think
Do I really like grad school?
I think I'm on the brink
Of having a major panic attack
My heartburn won't subside
Zantac, tums and bland food
This is a wild ride
Thank goodness for my hubby
He tries to calm my storm
Giving me the much needed confidence
I know I can perform
Surely I can make a B
I'd also take a C
But what about those braniacs
No curve? You're killin me!!
I'll wrap it up by saying this
Midterms are not much fun
Tonight instead of studying
I think I'll be a bum.
they sure go hand in hand
Staying up till 2 o clock
Coldplay is so grand
Rocking out the laptop
So sleepy I can't think
Do I really like grad school?
I think I'm on the brink
Of having a major panic attack
My heartburn won't subside
Zantac, tums and bland food
This is a wild ride
Thank goodness for my hubby
He tries to calm my storm
Giving me the much needed confidence
I know I can perform
Surely I can make a B
I'd also take a C
But what about those braniacs
No curve? You're killin me!!
I'll wrap it up by saying this
Midterms are not much fun
Tonight instead of studying
I think I'll be a bum.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
....my pillow
Dear Mr Pillow,
It's been a few weeks now since we've spent quality time together. I know your "5 love languages" test concluded that you desire to express/receive love by spending quality time together. I'm so sorry that time has been neglected. It's not that I don't love you- I have just been busy doing other things. Don't worry though- I'll try to hang out with you alot this weekend.
It's been a few weeks now since we've spent quality time together. I know your "5 love languages" test concluded that you desire to express/receive love by spending quality time together. I'm so sorry that time has been neglected. It's not that I don't love you- I have just been busy doing other things. Don't worry though- I'll try to hang out with you alot this weekend.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Today I'm dreaming of Colorado. My family goes to the same place, the same week of July. Even though I am guranteed to see my family at either Thanksgiving or Christmas- it's just not the same. When you're with family during a holiday, there is an implied added stress- because it's the holiday. But when you go on vacation just to go, you get to truly kickback, relax and enjoy. I think a few pictures could capture everything I enjoy about Colorado- but I'd say this pic of my niece and nephew does it the best. Yes, the mountains are great. The alpine slide at winter park is a blast. The cool air feels amazing. But when I look at this picture- all I see is true enjoyment. That feeling of enjoyment is what our summer vacation is all about, and that is why today, I'm dreaming of Colorado.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Traffic, Naples style
This is one of my favorite pictures from my Italy/Ireland trip. Chris and i were standing on a bridge and I was able to catch the Naples traffic. Naples was a crazy place b/c I think we only saw one stop sign/light in the whole city- yet people did not get into wrecks. And here's what I find interesting about this picture in particular- if you enlarge the picture take a look at the couple in front of the bus. They are sharing this extremely intimate moment together in the midst of all the craziness around them. I think that is hard to do. It is so easy to get caught up in the activities around us that we forget about the little moments in life that count. If it weren't for these little moments, wouldn't life be boring?
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
worn out
I'm worn out, not because of these 2 little faces- but because of everything else. Thank goodness for a wonderfully supportive husband and little puppies who love us unconditionally.
I just had a semi-revelation while sitting in class tonight- I'M SICK OF SCHOOL! Ha. What are we, a month into the semester? oh no! Here's the deal- one of my classes, Advanced Reservoir, is just meaningless. I feel like I could write a few verses and throw them into Ecclesiastes. What would "Teacher", the author of the book, have to say about this situation. We've been doing a series at church called "good news, even when life stinks" and we are covering Ecclesiastes. The series is almost over and I think I've just been coasting through the study- feeling like my life is pretty good. Which- my life is REALLY good, but I just hit a pretty big bump today. Oh..what to do, what to do. For tonight, I've just decided the answer is to have a glass of wine and watch some good reality TV. I'll save the deep thinking for later.
The Biggest Loser: families started tonight, I love this show. I love how empowered the contestants feel when they learn about nutrition and finally see weight loss success. Plus- you can get some great nutrition and exercise tips from the show.
Hope everyone is having a good morning/noon/night, whenever you happen to be reading this.
Au revoir.
Monday, September 15, 2008
The Office
Thank goodness for DVR's and DVD's. I cannot wait for the new season of the Office to start. And let's hope that there are no strikes this fall to shorten the season!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Our New Kids
Meet our new kids, Frank and Sally. They are border collie/ blue heeler mixes that we got from a shelter in Bartlesville. They are about 4 months old. I'm not sure how much they weigh, but they weigh more now than they did when we got them. Sally is in the background of the pictures- she is a little more reserved than her brother. Frank- as you can tell by the picture- is showing a little bit more personality at this point.
So here's how we came up with their names: Chris went to a men's retreat a few weekends ago and there was a blue heeler there by the name of Sally (as in Mustang Sally). The shelter gave Frank his name b/c of his blue eyes. So we've got Mustang Sally and ole' Blue Eyes Frank Sinatra. They have been really fun so far.
Seems to be that many females we know have been drinking this certain fluid that seems to make them get really bloated- and 9 months later- have a baby! I am trying to stay away from that certain fluid- water!- and I'm sticking to diet coke. So, now we can kind of fit in since we have our new kids.
The only problems I see right now include: They like to dig. Sally is territorial and growls at her brother. I'd rather play with them than study. They are outside doggies and I feel bad for them when it rains.
Oh dear- what will be like someday when I finally decide to drink that crazy fluid called water.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Dreaming of Italy
I am absolutely loving the weather. It's the same temperature now as it was in Naples & Rome June 2006. Just an FYI: if you go to Rome, and visit the Trevi fountain, remember to throw the coin with your right hand over your left shoulder! It ensures a safe return to Rome. Also go and visit the Spanish Steps. #1- they offer a really neat photo op. #2- that's where Chris proposed to me. Just watch out for the little men who want to sell roses for 5 euros a stemp. That's about $7-8! Crazy men.
Anyway, I tend to find myself thinking about Italy and Ireland whenever things get stressful around here. I wish there was a magic cure for feeling overwhelmed. The only thing I can think of is to quit work and just go to school part, or full-time. That wouldn't be too bad, right? Although, I might miss the $0.25 waters/sodas at work. And free oatmeal.
But in all seriousness- sometimes it just feels like there are too many things going on in life- to simply enjoy life. I think God wants us to have our hands in varied activites to open our eyes to all the ways he can work- but do we sometimes get ourselves involved in too much? When I can't read my Bible because I feel like I need to be studying- and vice versa- what then? I figure this is just one of those things you learn as you go- and I'm certain there are lessons to be learned along the way. But I would rather skip the lessons and go straight to the end! Give me that pot of gold at the end of my rainbow!!!!
Anyway- going to watch Duets. Goodnight.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Equation Derivations...really?
This will be short and sweet tonight. When I enrolled for my first semester of grad school (which was last fall)- I'm not really sure I knew what I was getting myself into. The first year wasn't too bad because I was taking deficiency courses- so they were just the normal undergrad class. I am currently enrolled in my first REAL grad level class and it's kicking me in the rear. Oh well. If anyone out there is a pro at petroleum engineering equation derivations- can you help? :)
goodnight and sweet dreams.
goodnight and sweet dreams.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Shopping & Crawling
This was a great 3 day weekend- 3 1/2 really. At work, we have the option to work 9 hrs Monday-Thursday and a 4 hour Friday- it is great. So my weekend really started at 11:00 on Friday. My mom came down to visit on Thursday night and she stayed until 3pm today. It was great. I summoned her to visit so that she could help me decorate my house. I'm just not talented when it comes to decorating. We shopped each day, Friday-Monday. My favorite purchase was the curtains for the formal living/dining. It makes the room feel complete. Plus, it has the thermal back lining so it helps with the window heat (west window). We also found a painting to use as a "headboard" in the guest room, a few neat crosses from Hobby Lobby, nightstands for our master bedroom, and many more little things.
We were also watching my 6 1/2 month old nephew, Hays and we took him everywhere we went. He's a great shopper. We did try to time our trips out so that he could be back at our house for meals and naps. He loved our carpet (he's used to wood floors) and he is SOOOO close to crawling. He could definitely get from point A to point B but it was half crawling and half army crawl. His favorite thing in our house was the air vent behind the chair in the picture above.
Here's a pic of him playing w/ the cold air:
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I'm From.....Korea
So....today was my second "first day of class". Only 2 more to go. This evening I had my first real master's level course, Advanced Reservoir Engineering. I know- it sounds exciting, right? Well our teacher wanted us to go around and say our names, where we're from and what we're studying. There are about 40 students in the class and I was about the 30th one to introduce myself. There were quite a few students from China, a few from Vietnam, Iran...you name 'em and they were there. I tried to listen and understand each person, but some of the accents were so thick that it was really hard to comprehend. Then it got to me. If someone out on the street were to ask me where I was from, I would just reply "Oklahoma". I'm not sure if it was nerves, or the fear of being shunned from the class. But when it came time for me to introduce myself i said "Jordan and I'm from Korea, but I only lived there 3 months. I've been in America for 26 years." I was afraid of being an outsider by saying I was from America. I know the story doesn't do the situation justice, but it made me laugh hysterically on the inside. I felt like such a fish out of water. Yes- I realize I'm asian on the outside but I'm such a white girl on the inside. Your typical twinkie.
One day of class down- only how many more to go? Agh.
I'm off to watch the Office.
One day of class down- only how many more to go? Agh.
I'm off to watch the Office.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Sushi, Sunshine and Starbucks
Of the three: Sushi, Sunshine and Starbucks- I enjoyed 2 today. Can you guess which it was? The sushi was ok, I had it made with the soy paper instead of seaweed. But the sunshine and Starbucks were great. I now have a summer drink and a winter drink from Starbucks, and this is dangerous. Why can't they have happy hour for drinks like Sonic? Every day in the summer I would order a light Mint Mocha Chip and in the winter it would be a Peppermint Mocha. Yum! The sunshine is also great. If you've ever had a sub-par day, which we've all experienced, there's just something about the sun shining down that makes you feel better. I'm fairly certain that the sun raises my level of endorphins more than exercising.
But, Chris and I are off to play some tennis. We're not that good, but it just feels good to slam the ball occasionally.
But, Chris and I are off to play some tennis. We're not that good, but it just feels good to slam the ball occasionally.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
First Try

So I've been reading other people's blogs and decided I might give this a try for myself. I certainly like to talk but rarely do I express things in writing. The blog name "per per migliorare" means "to improve". I hope that as I blog it will allow me to see the improvements in my life. Please don't take this the wrong way- I'm not at all talking about material improvements. So what improvements am I talking about? Mostly improvements on myself: as a Christian, wife, sister, daughter, cousin, friend, co worker, student- anything. So, here we go. I'm really bad about finishing what I start but I'm going to give this my best shot.
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