Let me just say that I am SO relieved that I have a picture, from each month, of the girls together! I started making this collage thinking I would just pick my faves from each month. However, the collage took a turn and this is what I ended up with. They may not be the best pictures, sharpest pictures, most smiley pictures…but I love what it captured from this past year. I cannot believe how each girl has grown in the past 10-12 months.
I need time to slow down.
In 2 months and 2 days, Chris will be turning 31. That means that in 2 months and 3 days, Nora will be turning 1! How can this be possible?????? I know I have said that statement before and I will probably say it again. This year has absolutely flown by without asking me for my opinion!
So here is our 2012 collage in chronological order (left to right and top to bottom). Do you have a fave picture? I think if I had to choose just one as my favorite, it would be the "August" picture.
Or December…
Or June…

I particularly love March and June.