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my belly in neon, Picasa is so cool |
What do you think about the bellies this week? I don't think I look particularly bigger w/ Nora, but she looks like she's sitting a little lower maybe?
Her size: According to Babycenter, Nora should be 20" and just over 7#. For memory's sake, Emmy was born at 39 weeks +1 day (which is TODAY for Nora) at 7#2oz and 19.5"
How far along: 39 weeks as of Friday.
Total weight gain: +42lbs. Exact same as with Emmy. However, DR and ultrasound think that Nora is smaller than Emmy was at this point- so more weight for me to lose. Eeek.
Sleep: As expected. I am really looking forward to meeting this creature inside of me. I'd much rather wake up to be feeding her than waking to go to the bathroom 3x a night :)
Maternity Clothes: Finding clothes this past week for work was a bit of a challenge, stuck mainly to dresses and really stretchy skirts!
Food cravings: Junk, ice cream, fried foods...basically anything that's not healthy for me. I have a bad attitude towards food and my weight right now. I know an end is in sight and I know that I lost TONS of weight while nursing Emmy. I just hope it comes off as easily this time (with Emmy I didn't work out at all for a year postpartum, so if I do have issues getting the weight off this time then hopefully occasional workouts will help)
Food aversions: It tastes wonderful, but I have to force myself to stay away from lemonade of any sorts. Lemonade=reflux.
Symptoms: Carpal tunnel in my right wrist and the arch in my right foot is about to collapse...I am guessing they are both related to swelling?
Stretchmarks: None that I can see.
Doctor’s Appointment: I had an appt this past Tuesday, still 3cm and 80% effaced.
Movement: Less jabs, more rolling...still plenty of feet poking out. I love it.
Belly Button: Poking out a little on my left side only.
Best moment of the week: It actually happened JUST NOW.....my husband came in and told me that the subfloor under our bathroom and part of our bedroom is destroyed from water. Awesome.
What I’m looking forward to: Watching #1 with #2....hope it's a peaceful thing
What I miss: Not breathing like a fatty.....still.
Preparations: We got the rest of the gear down today...but the house is a wreck!
Glad I have march madness to keep me occupied. I'm highly impatient and ready for this little girl to get here.
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