3 Months {emmy}
(note to self: you had to back date this one too)
- lifting head and part of chest off of ground during tummy time, but not really enjoying it
- loves to sing songs w/ hand motions. especially "head and shoulders, knees and toes". This song always gets a cackling response.
- 1st trip to the pumpkin patch.
- conversational cooing
- Attended KU-OU game (Oct 24). Kansas got whipped.
- Drinking 5oz in bottles, eating every 3 hours.
- Likes looking at herself in a mirror
- Laughs out loud, and it's awesome.
- Has slept as much as 11-12 hours on the weekends when we don't have to wake her up for school.
- Started sucking on fist.
- Flapper for halloween (little black dress with a red silk flower on skirt)
- Congested baby. Has battled either cold or allergies for about 3 weeks now.
- We finally experienced our first MEGA blowout....up the back all the way to the shoulder blades!
- Loves staring at the TV, especially when we watch "The Office".
- Moved into crib at 12 weeks.
- Goes to bed around 820pm.
our lil punkin |
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