Happy "almost" friday to all of you! Looks like alot of the Tulsa area is out of school again tomorrow. Still waiting to hear about Emmy's school. They were closed today, which is rare- but so glad none of the teachers had to get out in this mess. Chris has the option to not go to work tomorrow since the school district that we live in is OUT for tomorrow.
Here are a few random pix from the past week. Captions are below each picture.
We went to a birthday party and came back with some new, used cowgirl boots.
This is the bus that turned out in front of me on 36th street just east of Peoria. He or she then proceeds to drive 25 mph to Harvard where he/she then turns north. (Usually takes up both lanes while turning and waits until a yellow light to turn so that people behind the bus have no chance of making the light). I've been skipping the BA in the evenings because of the construction, but not really sure my city streets route is any saving any time.
This one was on facebook....I left Emmy alone for awhile and found this. She loves to clean. I guess the penguin nightlight was a little dusty.

She is so helpful in the tub. She likes to dump water on her head, in her mouth, on her belly and she likes to rub in the shampoo as well.
Chris bought all these storage tubs and I finally got around to organizing them. From L to R: Tub 1)christmas gift bags and ribbon, 2)christmas wrapping paper, 3) "other" gift bags, 4)"other" wrapping paper.
Emmy playing with her neighbor Lucy. They were banging their heads against the back of the couch. Silly girls.
Poor girl. Seems like we've been doing these breathing treatments for a year...oh wait...IT HAS BEEN A YEAR! Right now we are just battling chest crud and a constant cough. It doesn't wake her at night, but makes her wake a little earlier in the mornings.
I got rear ended this morning. This is tne 2nd time in 6 months. Neither were bad enough to file..well, actually need to check on this one. He hit me near the black dot (the rear parking sensor) and the paint is cracked around it. It made me mad...not for being rear ended, but there is some damage on the back bumper from the previous owner and I wish someone would hit me hard enough so I can file and get a new bumper!
Daddy, bubbles, bathtime, no clothes. Life Is Good.
My kitchen, after Emmy emptied the lower cabinet full of metal bowls and after cooking tonight's dinner.
The kitchen a short, err long, err short 15 minutes later.
Hope you all stay safe out there on the cruddy roads. Learned a fun trick from my dad today: If you are going downhill and having a hard time stopping on snowy/icy roads you should throw your car in neutral and then brake. If you are in drive then your wheels still want to travel, and if you stay on the brakes- you'll get that weird sound.
Ok, enough randomness for the night. TTFN
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