Friday, April 27, 2012
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Garage is for what?
At one point in time, my car lived in the garage. It was nice, it was garage covered at work and garage covered at home. I never had to worry about where to park it outside in the event of a hail storm.
The width of my vehicle barely fits inside the constraints of the garage, and I may or may not have had a run in with the garage pulling in and out a few times. But now, I need not worry about scraping the sides of my car anymore.
This is why

Not pictured: two umbrella strollers. That makes our stroller total at 6. Seriously?
The width of my vehicle barely fits inside the constraints of the garage, and I may or may not have had a run in with the garage pulling in and out a few times. But now, I need not worry about scraping the sides of my car anymore.
This is why

Not pictured: two umbrella strollers. That makes our stroller total at 6. Seriously?
Friday, April 20, 2012
One Month {nora}
Seriously, a month has already passed by? My post partum checkup is in 2 weeks and I still have 20# to lose?I have to go to work in a few more weeks? NO!!!!
Here is what the tiniest princess has been up to:
- eat, sleep, poop, repeat
- First road trip to Mimi and Papa's for Easter (2 1/2 weeks)
- Ditched the newborn diapers and moved to size 1 at 3 weeks
- Starting around 2 weeks we started having longer stretches of sleep at night, yay! Nora's last feeding in the evenings is usually between 8 and 9pm and she wakes around 2-3am to eat. In exchange for this nice stretch of sleep in the evenings, she eats every 2-2.5 hours during the day.
- We have nicknamed the newest member of our family, Noisy Nora. Seriously, she makes so many noises. Squeaks, grunts, sighs, laughs, and more grunts. I hope I can catch this all on video.
- Nora definitely likes to be held upright on your shoulder, it's amazing that she already has a strong preference.
- She hasn't lost too much hair yet, knock on wood.
- At exactly one month old, we weighed her on a baby scale and she was 10#! It was not a digital scale, so I suppose we could be off an ounce or two.
- She isn't too interested in tracking objects or her play gym yet, but she has some pretty good head control.
- I mentioned that she likes to be held on shoulders...well, Nora likes to be held period. It's not to the point where we are holding her all the time. But in her dream world, she'd be in someone's arms or the baby Bjorn ALL day!
- Just this past week she has started coo'ing a bit. Maybe she and Emmy will develop a little "sister talk" b/c Emmy goes up to her and starts talking a weird baby language. Nora actually seems to enjoy it.
We have had so much fun with 2 little princesses in our midst. This first month has flown by and I know it will continue to feel this way. Just wish I could either slow down time or bottle this up to enjoy it more later.
Now onto some Emmy funnies:
- We must hear at least 100x a day "we do we do _______" (i.e.: eat, brush our teeth, watch TV, put on clothes, take out the trash....get the picture?)
- She can walk on her tiptoes...well, curled toes. Think toe ballet.
- Our little bull in a china cabinet thinks that she has to be RIGHT in Nora's face...all the time. Sorry little sis.
- She is starting to make use of adjectives and especially interested in opposites. But her favorite word is "big". And anytime she says the word, she raises her voice and opens her eyes. It's cute!
- OH.......tonight, we were at the Copan restaurant and she got SO excited about the bottle of ketchup. She yelled "ketchup" really loud and it silenced the whole restaurant...it was embarrassing and hilarious all at the same time.
- We bought her a clock that changes colors when it's an appropriate time to wake up. So every morning at 635 (or later if she actually sleeps in), I love hearing her over the monitor "mommy daddy, my cuckoo clock is green". I may have mentioned this one before, but I don't want to forget it!
- The girl LOVES blowing bubbles, watering plants, and telling me that I need to pump. =)
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
My girls
So it is hard to not compare the two girls. Luckily I don't really remember much from Emmy's newborn days, so I don't spend too much time wondering if Nora is developing/behaving/etc like Emmy. So the area I tend to compare the girls is in looks. Some people think they look a lot alike, some think they look nothing alike. What do you think? What is similar, what's different?
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Newborn pics {nora}
Might I just say, I have the best photographer in the world! I have known Shea since jr high and have enjoyed making tie-dyed tshirts with her, jewelry, stu-co signs, getting into shenanigans and making many other memories. I am so glad that #1)we have stayed in touch and that #2)she found somewhere to channel all of her creative juices. You can find her work at www.sheacaseyphotography.com
Here's a sampling from our newborn session.
I told you she was good!
Thank you again Shea,
Here's a sampling from our newborn session.
I told you she was good!
Thank you again Shea,
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
2 weeks postpartum and...
I look like this

(With Emmy I looked like this)

Back to the subject: 2 weeks postpartum and...
•my 10 days of engorgement are over. Hallelujah!
•Nora went almost 6 hrs between start times of feedings*
•I have feelings of not wanting to go back to work, however- I also don't envision myself staying at home full time either
•Chris is out of town on business, Nora is going to look SO different when he gets home
•It seems like Nora has been a part of this family forever already. Not in a bad way like time is crawling...it just feels like this is the way it's been for awhile
•Emmy is adjusting fairly well. She isn't the biggest fan of following directions right now and I'm fairly certain she does not know the meaning of "be gentle"
*at Nora's 2 week check up (which was really at 11 days) she weighed 7#15.5oz. At hospital discharge, which was at 2 days old, she was 6#10 oz. At the 2 week appt, I asked the pediatrician when I could stop waking her at night to eat and she said "now"! Sweet, wonderful words. Since then, Nora had ha a few good stretches of nighttime sleep with a sprinkling of the normal 3hr gap feedings.
(With Emmy I looked like this)
Back to the subject: 2 weeks postpartum and...
•my 10 days of engorgement are over. Hallelujah!
•Nora went almost 6 hrs between start times of feedings*
•I have feelings of not wanting to go back to work, however- I also don't envision myself staying at home full time either
•Chris is out of town on business, Nora is going to look SO different when he gets home
•It seems like Nora has been a part of this family forever already. Not in a bad way like time is crawling...it just feels like this is the way it's been for awhile
•Emmy is adjusting fairly well. She isn't the biggest fan of following directions right now and I'm fairly certain she does not know the meaning of "be gentle"
*at Nora's 2 week check up (which was really at 11 days) she weighed 7#15.5oz. At hospital discharge, which was at 2 days old, she was 6#10 oz. At the 2 week appt, I asked the pediatrician when I could stop waking her at night to eat and she said "now"! Sweet, wonderful words. Since then, Nora had ha a few good stretches of nighttime sleep with a sprinkling of the normal 3hr gap feedings.
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