and roll!
another back-posted update. self, you are such a slacker
- we ditched the swaddle at night and you did just fine without it. 11/9/09
- during tummy time you like to lift your bottom up in the air (head and chest too some times)
- you got to go to your first (and likely last, until you are in college) girl's weekend in Ottawa.
- You love to kick and splash in the tub
- Currently, you are wearing 6 month clothing
- We took a road trip to see your Indiana family, you did great!
- You grasp your hands together in front of you richest
- Little monkey girl....you love to feel and explore with your feet and toes.
- Your most ticklish spots include your collarbone and ribs
- You take 6oz bottles 6 times a day.
- Your nose is still stuffy.
- You love to babble and your favorite sound is "ah-goo".
- We are practicing sitting up and you can do it with a little support.
- You swing at the objects on your playmat and grasp at them too.
- Moved up to a size 3 diaper
- You fall asleep in the evenings on the way home from school. When we get home, i run the dryer and put you on top. It works out perfectly b/c I have just enough time to make dinner before you wake up.
- Bedtime is around 745pm (we are on a baby led schedule, not parent)
- Now when you clasp your hands at your chest, you interlock your fingers like you are saying a little prayer.