Thursday, April 30, 2009
Love Coupons
Today was a semi rainy day and I spent it with my friend Brittani and her little man Pierce. She's on maternity leave and gets up and around about as much as I do, so we hung out in PJ's. Company certainly helps the time go by.
All in all, it's been a good day. Tomorrow we leave for Branson. I hope the condo has a comfy couch since I'll be there most of the time. I will take a time-out from the couch to go to the outlet mall and visit the Carters store. I need to look online to see what other stores I want to hit. I'll probably have to rest quite a bit in between stores, so I only plan on going to 2 or 3 while we are there.
25 weeks
I didn't have a doctor's appointment this week, just went in for my progesterone shot. Emmy's still very active and I suspect it's only a matter of weeks until I start getting kicks in the ribs. My next appointment is next Thursday. After that, only 2 more weeks until I reach 28 weeks! Woohoo. I have a feeling the last two weeks of bedrest will be very similar to what used to be a normal day for me. A coworker goes to the same dr and her last 1-2 weeks of bedrest was told to go about her day like it would be a normal workday. I like the way our dr transitions us back into the real world. I can't believe how out of shape I am. Even if I had big plans to go on 3 errands back to back, there's no way my body could do it right now. I definitely know when I can go, and when I need to rest.
This weekend I'm going to Branson with the Sanders fam, and yes- with dr's approval. I plan on hanging out in the condo most of the time and maybe hitting a few outlet stores- especially the Carter's outlet. Any other stores worth visiting?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
If you pray, I could use your help
Here's the story: Micah (professor) had been having headaches and dizziness for a few weeks. The Dr ordered him to get a CT scan. They found a mass on his brainstem. The doctor believes the mass is non-cancerous but it will take a few days to hear back from the pathologist. Micah had surgery yesterday and is now in the ICU recovering. Please pray for Micah and his recovery and also for his wife. They have a baby and toddler at home and I'm sure this puts quite a bit of stress on "E", his wife.
Micah and his family are wonderful Christians who have helped, prayed and encouraged so many others. Let's return the favor.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Baby Pics

Sunday, April 26, 2009
Foto Fun
I still haven't decided how much professional photography we'll do with Emmy. I LOVE LOVE LOVE snapping photos of babies and kids (and my puppies) and combining that with new photo editing skills- I think I can produce some good pics. We will probably have some family photos taken, but I'm not sure if we'll get a newborn-year old package.

Thursday, April 23, 2009
24 weeks - 4 more weeks of bedrest
Other than that, I can't believe the AC is on. Seems like we didn't have very many "windows open" days. Seeing that our AC couldn't keep the house below 78 last summer, I've contacted the home warranty people to come look at the unit. This big preggers mama will NOT be able to tolerate temperatures like that this summer! hah
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
24 weeks
Chris bought me a chaise lounger the other night, so I've been sunbathing with the dogs in the afternoon. Yesterday Frank laid with me in the chair, but they will probably avoid me today. They dug some more holes in the flower bed and must have been *playing* in my hostas last night. They got hit on the snout a few times with Chris' hat. Sally was just shivering with fear afterwards, I mean really, how bad can it hurt getting hit with a hat? Dang dogs.
That's all the news for now. I need to post pics from last weeks ultrasound, I swear you can see cheeks (face, not rear) on Emmy on the picture.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Sleeping In
So I have a little over 4 weeks of bedrest left, and there are definitely some things I'm going to miss when I go back to work:
- Not waking up to the alarm at 600am
- Eating a bowl of cereal, I usually wait until I get to work and eat oatmeal.
- My recliner
- Going out to pet the pups throughout the day
- Not having to shower everyday, gross, I know.
- Wearing slippers all day and when I go out on rides with Chris. That way I'm not tempted to go into the stores with him.
- Wearing sweats all day, every day.
Those are just a few. See? There are clear advantages to being on bedrest.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
How Many Appointments?
Last night Chris and I went to Target for a quick trip. I haven't OFFICIALLY been allowed to make these outings, but needed to pick up a baby shower gift. While we were there Chris found some really cute things for our little girl.

Thursday, April 16, 2009
Pictures of the Digging Dogs
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
23 weeks
Chris had to go to Fort Worth this morning for work, and I woke up when he was up. I think he left the house around 530 or so. I was a little tired and tried to go back to sleep, but I was WAY too hungry and couldn't convince myself to sleep. So I got up and had canteloupe, watermelon, a mini bagel and piece of toast with peanut butter. I don't care to know the calorie and fat count of what I had, but you would think with a list that long I shouldn't be hungry for awhile. With all hopes, I won't want to eat again until lunch- but I'm predicting a snack between now and then. Oink Oink.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Digging Dogs
Thursday, April 9, 2009
It's Raining Popcorn
I had my dr's appt today and everything looked great. Emmy's heart was racing at 162 bpm, the highest its ever been. She's a busy little girl. She was also head down today, but since the appointment I think she's managed to flip herself ( I only think this b/c my bladder is again taking the abuses of rhythimc kicks). She's kicking so hard now I actually saw my stomach move today, crazy stuff.
Not much else is going on. My mom is on her way down for the weekend and tomorrow I want to make and decorate some sugar cookies. I need to pull out my egg and bunny shaped cookie cutter. I love cookies, the scale however- tells me I don't need any.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
22 Weeks
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. The prayers are certainly at work.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
pictures of the little girl

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
21 weeks- a bomb went off in my stomach
This is another hat I crocheted, it's a little bit bigger than I wanted but should fit Emmy during the winter. Or if she has my size of head, right away.
This is my niece, Grace, sporting the beanie I made her and attached the purple and coral flower. Luckily, everything she had packed in her suitcase was purple, so the beanie matched EVERYTHING. She loved it and was TOO adorable.
Other than that, no much is going on here. I'm working on a baby blanket for Miss Emmy. It's going slow, I work on it a little each day. I have officially completed 3 weeks of bedrest with 7 more to go! Almost 1/2 way there! I have a dr's appt in the morning at 815. If things look even better than last week, I'm going to ask if I can start increasing my activity level a little bit. Like maybe I could: go on an errand every once in awhile, go on a 10 minute walk, sit up more instead of laying down- etc. Any of the options will do. I'll let you guys know what I find out tomorrow.