Thursday, December 30, 2010

Our Merry Christmas card

So it's only 5 days after Christmas, not too late to share our Christmas card is it?

Sorry the picture quality isn't great. It's a picture of a picture. And not sure if you recognized the family picture, but it was taken by shea.

The verse reads "the Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy". It's true. Even through the hardship of the last two weeks, we remain joyful for the things in which we have been blessed.

Here is just a short list of those things( and sorry for all this rambling, it's been hard to go to sleep. I actually will myself to stay awake at night knowing I must get up at 615 the next morning for work. If I stay awake until my eyelids barely stay open, then going to sleep doesn't bring about such sadness. Oh, how I digress). Back to my blessings list.

I have been extremely blessed with:
-my health, the last time I was really sick was in may with a sinus infection
-a job/employer that has put up with me for four years
-wonderful neighbors who have enriched our lives
-family that lives us beyond measure
-time with my dad this fall as he worked in Tulsa for a few months
-a healthy, growing, beautiful, babbling, hungry, intuitive, curious, lovable, ornery, smiley little girl
-a loving, supportive, encouraging, hard working and giving husband
- two dogs who always smell like poop
-finding a true friend
-a wonderful life group
-seeing the beating heart of a new life and the promise that we can try again
-a roof over our heads, two steady jobs, two dependable cars, food I'm the fridge and meals on the table, enough clothes to go for weeks before needing to do laundry

Really, this last l bit of the list could go on and on. God has proven that He provides me everything I need to be the person that He desires me to become.

I will try to remember that now and always. He will not withhold nor unnecessarily give unless it is held in His master plan.

Today I feel more at peace than I have the past two weeks. I pray this continues. The more "sane" that I am, then the easier it is consistently hand things over to God. It's 1am, I hope that made sense.
If it doesn't, then I'll either delete this post or later correct my errors.

My eyes are heavy. My heart is lighter. Thanks bloggy friends for listening to my random thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. I love reading blessings...well, I love reading when people recognize their blessings. Make sense? lol. Matt and I have been thinking about the Sanders and keeping you all in our prayers.


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