Nora, here's what's going on in your life right now:
FAVORITE SONG: "Night Night Nora", to the tune of Frere Jacques. "Let it Go" and really any other song from Frozen. "Twinkle Twinkle", but only at nighttime.
FAVORITE FOOD(S): You love food. You are such a good eater. You particularly like creamy italian dressing, eggs, cuties/halos (little oranges) and cereal in the morning with your daddy.
FAVORITE BOOK: Tough call as your nightly selections seem to change. But you really love the Sandra Boynton books, just like your big sister. You are a really big helper when we read "Moo, Baa, LaLaLa".
FAVORITE WORD(S)/Phrases: "NO Emmy/Momma/Dadda/shoes/shirt/pants", "I need a poo" (I need a spoon), SalDog (sally, the dog), "yeah", "pinkee" (blanket), "mut-mee" (your stuffed monkey). A few months ago you went through a phase where you repeated each word 3 times...without fail.
FAVORITE SHOW(S): Really, it's whatever Emmy wants to watch. So right now it's the movie Brave, Frozen and the show Bubble Guppies.
- You still adore your paci, we plan to take that away once you get all of your teeth.
- You have about 8 stuffed animals or loveys in your crib with you
- You also take a sippy of water with you to bed and stuff it up in the corner between your pillow and the crib rails.
- You want to do everything that Emmy does. You also demand the same color of utensils and cups and plate that she has.
- You are either very happy or very upset. There's not a whole lot of gray area with you.
- You still love to cuddle and rock at bedtime, and I love that.
- You give the cutest, yet orneriest looks all the time! You know how to play us already, and we let you!
I too have failed at the monthly updates on the second child! But this has inspired me to try again :)