2. On our way to take Valentines pictures
3. Bathing with Cousin Jackson(a year difference in age), I think we managed to keep most private parts covered.
4. “enjoying” the snow
5. Watching Dadoo (Rudolph) on a snow day
6. Trying to get dressed. It has been fun to watch Emmy develop these skills. She can get socks on now!
7. Playing peek a boo on neighbor Mike's truck
8. Helping out in the tub and getting a drink of water simultaneously
9. Need I explain?
10. Sledding down the snow packed street
11. Hugs for cousin Halle( 6 weeks apart) at aunt Eden's shower
12. Perfecting the art of "chopsticking"
13. Because sometimes, your belly just needs to be accessible
14. Hugging the steering wheel. Honestly, I have no idea here.
15. Primping
16. Eating peanut butter by the spoonful.
Number 16 makes her daddy grin ear to ear. Like father, like daughter.