Thursday, August 18, 2011

2 year post

I now have a 2 year old you guys!  Time has gone by WAY WAY WAY too quickly.  Here's what my little darlin has been up to the past month:

FAVORITE SONG: Frere Jacques, Happy Birthday (and when we sing it, we have to sing it once for each person in the room)

FAVORITE FOOD(S): Ketchup, fruit snacks, peaches

FAVORITE BOOK: "Blue Hat, Green Hat". (She loves to pitch in and yell "oooop")

FAVORITE WORD(S)/Phrases: "Hi Honey Mama", "Mama/Dada hide too" (when wanting to play hide and seek), can-eeeeee (with emphasis on E, this is her potty treat...Mimi gives her a piece of candy for EACH hand.  Hey I can't complain when I'm not the one having to do the potty training)

FAVORITE SHOW(S): Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Elmo

OTHER TIDBITS: In incomplete sentences and absolutely no order: she floated on her back at swim lessons by herself, can get about 1/2" air when she jumps on the ground, had a great time in CO with all of her cousins but didn't impress us with her night time sleep, loves her black patent shoes that sound like tap shoes on the wood floors, has a very bad habit of grabbing things out of peoples hands

This month has been fun, just like all the rest.  I feel like I have alot more to blog about...hope I can make those become a reality!

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