Saturday, August 18, 2012

5 months {nora}

5 months old???  I cannot believe how fast time has flown by, such a cliche statement I know.  We have had a busy past month (4th of July, vacation to Colorado and Emmy's 3rd birthday).  With all those food eating holidays and celebrations, I'm happy to say I still managed to lose 2 lbs leaving that last pesky pound to go!

Eat: Somewhere between 530 and 6.  So today's schedule looked something like this 530am, 830am, 1200pm, 230pm, 530pm, 8pm.  During the day Nora takes 5oz bottles and her 8pm feeding is also a bottle, generally 6oz.
Sleep: Usually asleep by 800pm and as previous item said, now waking a little early to eat.  Not sleeping quietly through night as she is still waking somewhere between 4-5am. She is in her own room now (we disassembled the crib and put it in "mimi and papa's room", guest room. I usually go in there around 4 am and sleep on the bed until she completely wakes to eat.  Sleep has been a little bit better since moving her into a big crib in her own space.  Also, Nora caught a cold after Emmy's bday party so nap times and night time haven't been so hot lately due to nasal congestion.
Naps: The late morning/noon nap is usually the best nap at 2+ hours.  The morning nap and afternoon nap are more along the lines of 1 hour.  We try to get her to nap in the evening but that doesn't always work.  I can foresee her dropping that evening nap and hopefully going to bed earlier.
Shoes: I think she's a size 1, but we rarely put socks or shoes on her.
Clothes: mostly 6 months.
Diapers: Size 3.
Trips: Colorado in July (Nora did NOT like vacation. Altitude? Too many strange faces? Getting a cold? Teething?  We may never know...)
Likes: LOVES Emmy, her face just lights up when big sister enters her view, exersaucer, floor gym, drooling, exploring with her hands, pinching things with toes, blowing bubbles into bottle, sleeping with arms out (yay! we dropped the swaddle), pat-a-cake, being held and carried in baby bjorn (facing out)
Dislikes: having to wait on a bottle, when Emmy steam rolls her, loud noises, too many strange faces approaching her all at once.
Milestones: Bearing weight on legs and standing with support, starting to hold bottle, plays with hands and very grabby, putting paci in mouth and ripping it out, occasionally turning when we call her name, sits with support, very strong on tummy time but still won't roll over...oh well.
Other: Nora is still doing very well at self soothing to sleep (sometimes needing a little help with paci-reinsertion).  I was hesitant about breaking her of the swaddle but she started to get to the point of breaking out of it.  She still has crazy arms, so I put loveys around her arms so they serve as a little barrier between her hands and her face/paci. Nora took her first swing ride at a park in Grand Lake, Colorado.  She finally went swimming this past month and loved it, as soon as I put her in the water she started kicking her legs like she wanted to swim.  Nora is still the sweetest and I love watching her little body shake with delight when she gets excited.

the past month

colorado 2012

Sidenote:  When she's not being a typical eye rolling, tantrum throwing, mad/stomping, independent yet still needs help doing everything 3 year old....Emmy is the sweetest thing.  Her favorite song right now is "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" from the Lion King soundtrack.  She sings it SO sweet.  She started school recently at B'Nai and is having the best time.  She has changed and developed in her first week of school, it's amazing!

Our lives are completely blessed with our two little miracles, I cannot imagine life any differently.

1 comment:

  1. We are having so much trouble breaking Brenson from the swaddle. How did you do it? He wants nothing to do with sleeping unswaddled. Ugh.


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