Tuesday, November 9, 2010

15 months.

Oh my, I have a 15 month old!  My little baby is not such a baby anymore!  Here is what we have been up to since the last month:

  • Trip to Indiana for Elyse's birthday, got to visit with our friends Meredith and Finn again.  Finn is so cute and such a hugger!  Elyse is getting so big, and has bypassed Emmy in height....almost there in weight.  Emmy and I flew out there with my parents, she did a good job!
  • Pink eye and a few trips to the doctor.
  • Emmy is now the proud owner of squeaky shoes and she really thinks she is hot stuff in her shoes!  She was starting to walk on her toes and these have cured that bad habit.  She is VERY close to running now.
  • Up until this point, Miss E didn't care much about the boob tube unless it was "The Office".....but we found a show she cannot live without now....The Backyardigans.  My niece Grace also watched this show 7 years ago and it bring back such good memories.
  • We bought Emmy a little Backyardigans couch, it's one of the collage pictures.
  • In all the trips to the doctor, we found out that Emmy really hasn't gained even a pound since her 12 month appointment.  She eats, she's just moving so much more.  She is definitely thinning out, so she must be growing in height.
  • Not too many new words, but Emmy is trying to imitate the things we say.
  • We have rediscovered "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and her favorite part is "washed the spider out".
  • For Halloween, Emmy was "Pebbles"- the only thing missing was the orange hair.  She was too cute.  We didn't do much trick-or-treating.....maybe next year.
  • Emmy has a little "primal" yell...I'll have to scour the phone and video camera to see if I have it captured.  I'm afraid that if she continues, she'll hurt her vocal chords.
  • If possible, this month has been more fun than the last month...it is so fun watching Emmy grow into her own little person, with her own little idiosyncrasies.

1 comment:

  1. I think each month gets more fun than the last!

    The Backyardigans was Sam's first show & favorite for quite some time! I have to admit, I loved it too!


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